Aaron Judge

Aaron Judge

College: Fresno
Pro Team: NY Yankees
Aaron Rowley

Aaron Rowley

College: Stanislaus State
Alex Michaels

Alex Michaels

College: Cal Poly
Alex Rivers

Alex Rivers

College: Santa Clara
Andy Scott

Andy Scott

College: Univ of Texas- Arlington
Anthony Kupbens

Anthony Kupbens

College: UC Davis
Austin Manning

Austin Manning

College: USC
Barry Enright

Barry Enright

College: Peperdine
Pro Team: Diamondbacks
Ben Meer

Ben Meer

College: Lafayette College
Bobby Raymos

Bobby Raymos

College: Sonoma State
Brandon Gildea

Brandon Gildea

College: Westmont College
Pro Team: Anaheim Angels
Brandon Taylor

Brandon Taylor

College: Missouri College
Brent Clapper

Brent Clapper

College: Concordia
Brett Sullivan

Brett Sullivan

College: Univ of Pacific
Pro Team: Tampa Bay Rays
Cameron Taylor

Cameron Taylor

College: Missouri Baptist
Chris Sauls

Chris Sauls

College: Stanislaus State
CJ Owens

CJ Owens

College: Bryan College
Connor Torres

Connor Torres

College: Univ of Pikeville
Dan Perez

Dan Perez

College: York College
David Cooper

David Cooper

College: UC Berkley
Pro: Toronto Bluejays
Dakota Conners

Dakota Conners

College CS East Bay
David Hamlett

David Hamlett

College: Coppin State
Dayton Mellor

Dayton Mellor

College: Stanislaus State
Devon Golden

Devon Golden

College: Sonoma State
Dustin Laughlin

Dustin Laughlin

College: East Central Oklahoma Univ
Dylan Isquirdo

Dylan Isquirdo

College: Virginia Common Wealth
Eli Rimes

Eli Rimes

College: Sonoma State
Pro: Cincinatti Reds
Eric Federico

Eric Federico

College: Stanislaus State
Pro:Colorado Rockies
Eric Gleese

Eric Gleese

College: Univ of Hawaii
Eric Sandness

Eric Sandness

Pro: KC Royal
Eric Webber

Eric Webber

Hunter Mercado

Hunter Mercado

College:Univ of San Diego
Jake Cose

Jake Cose

Pro: White Sox
Jake Dentoni

Jake Dentoni

College: McMurry University
Jake Shull

Jake Shull

College:Fresno State
Pro: Detroit Tigers
James Lagorio

James Lagorio

College: Cal Poly
Jarron Silva

Jarron Silva

College: UCLA
Jed Sprague

Jed Sprague

College: Univ of Pacific
Jeremiah Graff

Jeremiah Graff

College: Masters College
Jesse Howell

Jesse Howell

College: Univ of Pacific
John Haberman

John Haberman

College: Univ of Pacific
John Jaeger

John Jaeger

College: Univ of Pacific
John Oberholtzer

John Oberholtzer

College: San Jose State
Jordan Devencenzi

Jordan Devencenzi

College: Univ Nevada Reno
Jordan Durrance

Jordan Durrance

College: Peperdine
Jordan Enos

Jordan Enos

College: Holy Cross
Jordan Louie

Jordan Louie

College: Oregon State
Josh Rodriguez

Josh Rodriguez

College" CSU Bakersfield
Kevin Dahlenburg

Kevin Dahlenburg

College: Stanislaus State
Kona Olson

Kona Olson

College: Biola Univ
Kyle Amick

Kyle Amick

College: SF State
Kyle Cortopassi

Kyle Cortopassi

College: Santa Clara
Kyle Hassna

Kyle Hassna

College: San Jose State
Kyle Jensen

Kyle Jensen

College: St. Mary's College
Pro: FL Marlins
Louie Lechich

Louie Lechich

College: Univ of San Diego
Pro: White Sox
Marshall Swift

Marshall Swift

College: Univ of Pacific
Matt Clark

Matt Clark

College: Cal State LA
Matt Flemer

Matt Flemer

College: Cal
Pro: LA Angels
Matt Valencia

Matt Valencia

College: Univ of Hawaii
Matt Vera

Matt Vera

College: SF State
Max Cordy

Max Cordy

College: UC Davis
Pro: Minnesota Twins
Max Stassi

Max Stassi

Pro: Oakland A's
Michael Hager

Michael Hager

College: Univ of Pacific
Michael Hudleson

Michael Hudleson

College: Stanislaus State
Michael Rivera

Michael Rivera

College: Fresno Pacific
Pro: SF Giants
Mike McCarthy

Mike McCarthy

College: CSU Bakersfield
Mitch Walding

Mitch Walding

Pro: Phillies
Mychal Harris

Mychal Harris

College: Indiana Univ Southeast
Nick Camarena

Nick Camarena

College: Hawaii Pacific
Orlando Razo

Orlando Razo

College: UC Davis
Pro: Seattle Mariners
Parker Klein

Parker Klein

College: Univ of Pacific
Patrick Mulry

Patrick Mulry

College: Stanislaus State
Pete Pendley

Pete Pendley

College: Stanislaus Stae
Peter Rajkovich

Peter Rajkovich

College: Carson Newman
Phillip Clark

Phillip Clark

College: New Mexico State
Ricky Acosta

Ricky Acosta

College: San Jose State
Robby Richardson

Robby Richardson

College: Univ of Pacific
Robert Garcia

Robert Garcia

College: UC Davis
Pro: KC Royals
Scott Thornton

Scott Thornton

College: Mount Mercy Univ
Sean Bennetts

Sean Bennetts

College: Univ of Pacific
Steven Gigli

Steven Gigli

College: Loyola Marymount
Taylor Johnson

Taylor Johnson

College: Univ of Pacific
Tyler Eppler

Tyler Eppler

College: ST. Katherine
Tyler Glenn

Tyler Glenn

College: Sonoma State
Tyler Stieb

Tyler Stieb

College: Cal State Fullerton
Tyler Sullivan

Tyler Sullivan

College: Univ of Pacific
Pro:White Sox
Wade Morton

Wade Morton

College: Missouri Baptist
Wes Carswell

Wes Carswell

College: SF State
Will Lydon

Will Lydon

College: Univ of Pacific
Willie Calhoun

Willie Calhoun

College: Univ of Arizona
Pro: Texas Ranger
Wyatt Castro

Wyatt Castro

College: Irvine
Zach DeValle

Zach DeValle

College: Park Univ
Zack Jones

Zack Jones

College: San Jose State
Minnesota Twins
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